Land Rover One Ten / Defender 110 Parts Book
Category: Resources/Information
Another scanning from errol209 on the LR4×4 forum, this time we have the Land Rover One Ten / Defender 110 parts book. It covers all 110 vehicles (Defender or not) from 1987 up to and including the 300Tdi models.
Obviously part numbers may have been superseded by the current date, but most parts suppliers will still be able to look it up from the older numbers. A quick google search will likely find the super-cessions as well.
Here are the PDF files:
- Front Cover, Introduction, and Numerical Index
- Engine – 2.5 Petrol, 2.5 N/A Diesel, 2.5 Turbo Diesel
- Engine – 200Tdi, 300Tdi, V8
- Gearbox and Transfer Box – LT77, R380, LT85, LT230
- Axles, Suspension, Steering
- Vehicle Controls, Brakes, Fuel System and Air Cleaner
- Exhaust, Cooling, Heating
- Body Electrical
- Body and Chassis
- Trim, Seats, Stowage, Accessories